Feb 21, 2008

I'm a party FreaKo...Meet my party Love!~

~i'm a party freAko. Well..i used to be. Late nights and parties with my girlfriends was just my favourite thing.~ M.O.S, Double O were the usual places we would go...and Phunk Bar. But Phunk bar would just be for a short dance and free flows before we head down to Double O. Don't really like Phunk Bar la, cos that's where underages are cos that's the only place those YPs can get a taste of club. There,u'll see GIRLS with lollipops here and there, and BOYS keep on getting into silly, silly fights. That's a big turn OFF for us. REALLY. Anyway,i miss those party days. I miss Aisha and Yatie so much. They're my party babies. Parties would be so empty without them.Really. I soooooo miss those dancing days, snapping shots every now and then and getting drunk...heh! i really miss you guys so much. I wanna meet up soon..pls! Anyway below are some pics of us during those party times. Meet more of my parrrrty "Kaki-sss"! Of course, my boyfriend included! =)

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